Why Would You Track Calls? Also, why your company needs it

Any business will inevitably receive calls. Of course, the difficult part is gathering the information from each phone conversation so you can use it to expand your company. The answer? software for call tracking and call tracking.

This article will describe call tracking, how it functions, and the information it can yield from phone calls (besides the typical phone numbers). also why call tracking is important for your company and why it should be used. We’ll also examine Google Ads Call Tracking (which is infamous for having certain flaws) and offer a more effective call tracking option. If it seems like the useful, practical information you’re looking for, continue reading.

What is call tracking software and what is call tracking?

Call tracking is a reporting and call recording tool that enables your company to keep track of crucial information about incoming business calls. The information call monitoring gathers from incoming calls, such as who phoned, when they called, and what organization, if any, they claimed to represent, is as valuable as it gets.

Additionally, call tracking software gives you with the caller’s location and, more crucially, a transcript of every call. In other words, it provides you with concrete information about phone conversations that your company may use in a variety of ways to grow. You can utilize it, for instance, to optimize the content of your website and draw in more searchers and visitors.

Marketers can identify which advertising campaign led to the phone call using call monitoring software, which dramatically enhances KPI assessment. Additionally, it can pinpoint the phrases, advertisements, and web sites that led to the call being placed.

Call tracking can help you assess the effectiveness of both online and offline marketing campaigns. Sales teams use call monitoring software in PPC campaigns like Google Ads to identify which phone calls originated from which location (and which phone lines), allowing them to determine which marketing methods are effective and, more importantly, which ones aren’t.

What Is the Process of Call Tracking Software?

The simplest form of call monitoring is when a company uses distinct phone numbers for all of its marketing initiatives. The simple goal of the distinct phone numbers is to distinguish the campaigns. You can immediately tell which campaign the caller is responding to when a call comes in from a particular number.

As an illustration, the XYZ Company decides to start a marketing campaign (or several of them). The assignment of distinctive phone numbers, either local or 800 numbers, takes place first. These numbers can also be used to contact any desired department, such as a marketing division, an office phone, or an outside answering service.

Once configured, whenever certain phone numbers are dialed, calls are routed through phone tracking software. The software is essential because it enables phone calls to be ascribed to various sources, including social media, paid search, and organic traffic.

Additionally, it is possible to employ as many dynamic phone numbers as desired to advertise a range of sources, marketing initiatives, and keywords. Call monitoring software also includes scrips, cookies, “call whisper,” conversion parameters, and more. This gives advertisers a great deal of flexibility, greatly enhances the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns, and even allows them to operate offline.

What advantages does call tracking offer?

The many fantastic advantages of call tracking with unique phone numbers and call tracking software are simply too great for today’s business owners to ignore. The majority of these include giving out useful call statistics and metrics. Nevertheless, everything will assist you in enhancing your marketing efforts, optimizing content, and properly attributing campaigns. The following are some of the best advantages of call tracking software:

  • Recording calls. Call recording helps you identify customer service issues and areas that require work, which boosts conversions and sales.
  • You may find out which keywords are bringing in the most visitors to your landing page or website by using call tracking.
  • You can monitor the effectiveness of your PC landing pages and identify which has the highest conversion rates using call tracking software.
  • Another great advantage of call tracking software is call duration. According to statistics, calls that are longer and deeper have higher conversion rates.
  • The marketing initiatives driving the most phone calls are identified using call tracking software.
  • You can use call attribution to sell more strategically if you have call tracking software and a location.

The Issue With Google Ads’ Standard Call Tracking

Although Google advertisements contain the company’s standard call tracking tool, there are several severe flaws in it. As an illustration, Google’s call monitoring offers only a few facts regarding the caller and their reason for calling. The scant information from Google’s call tracking comprises:

  • The calling party’s area code
  • The call’s duration
  • when the call was made
  • Which ad or campaign generated the call?

Even worse, several other call tracking systems can offer capabilities that Google’s call tracking is unable to, such as:

  1. The search network alone is capable of conversion tracking.
  2. Multiple numbers cannot be tracked by the system.
  3. Only AdWords offers call tracking.
  4. There is no option for call recording.
  5. Every call is noted as a conversion.
  6. After 90 days, dynamic numbers cease to exist.
  7. Google Analytics does not support the integration of call tracking data.
  8. There is no “request a call back” feature offered by the system.

For both large and small enterprises, the absence of these 8 essential traits has a number of negative effects:

  1. There won’t be many conversions brought on by Google ads, according to your staff.
  2. It is impossible to determine which phone number was utilized for the calls.
  3. The call volume from multiple sources cannot be compared.
  4. Customer service can neither be optimized nor improved.
  5. You can’t tell if a phone call resulted in a conversion or not.
  6. Calls made by users after 90 days will not be answered because the phone numbers have expired.
  7. Analytics cannot be used to enhance or improve content or SEO.
  8. As inbound calls are frequently missed, your company will unavoidably lose sales.

A More Effective Call Tracking Method

Implementing a different, more sophisticated call-tracking solution is one option to address Google’s built-in call tracking issues. Today’s market is flooded with call tracking software applications, including:

  1. Hubspot
  2. WhatConverts
  3. 800response
  4. ActiveDemand
  5. CallAction
  6. CallFire
  7. CallSource
  8. FluentStream
  9. Convirza
  10. Infinity
  11. Invoca

We use CallRail for all of our incoming calls and call tracking campaigns since it is, in our humble opinion, the greatest call tracking software.

A business can create tracking numbers with CallRail, a third-party piece of software, and obtain crucial call-related information that isn’t provided by the built-in call tracking in Google Ads.

For call monitoring to function, we first create tracking phone numbers that immediately redirect calls to your primary business line, enabling us to gather call statistics.

By doing this, we can gather more specific data, such as:

  • Exact Caller Number
  • Call Time
  • Call Length
  • Call Source
  • Call Recording

According to our research, this sort of reporting is substantially more accurate, provides far more detail, and lets you listen to audio recordings of phone calls.

The Advantages Of Advanced Call Tracking

Using advanced call tracking in your advertising efforts, especially to optimize them, has several great advantages. In fact, we think that for the best outcomes, call tracking should be a part of every paid advertising campaign.

Greater Call Tracking Accuracy

To track online behavior, the majority of modern call tracking systems employ cookies. Between our updated call tracking system using CallRail and the default Google Ads call tracking, we’ve observed significant discrepancies.

For instance, 14-40%+ more phone calls are registered while utilizing the CallRail call tracking software. Consequently, your company can:

  • Identify who phoned, from where, and for what reason.
  • Make a lot more callbacks to those numbers.
  • Better ad campaign optimization

CallRail’s call tracking technology offers call analytics that you may use to evaluate call-related KPIs and accurately identify conversion data. Which Google Ads campaign, for instance, results in the most phone calls for your company?

The call attribution report, one of the key call analytics offered by this upgraded call tracking system, provides an answer to that query. Call attribution gives details on the interactions and marketing channels that lead to calls.

Murder Reporting Information

In the past, you could see where calls were originating from with regular Google “Out Of The Box” tracking, but it was very hard to classify them. This is as a result of Google’s Call Details report’s severe limitations.
You gain a whole new level of detail with our sophisticated call tracking technology, including:

  • Phone number in full
  • Calling hour
  • Call duration
  • Call tracking campaigns

An straightforward, user-friendly dashboard is supplied with all of this useful call recording data. There, it is easy to swiftly assess each incoming call, determine whether the caller qualifies, export the call recording, and play the call recording again.

Call archiving

It may seem strange to listen to call recordings, but it is one of the most effective tools for improving conversion rates, optimizing marketing campaigns, and, if required, revising your marketing plan.

For instance, we can alter the language in the ad and landing page to suit the needs of prospects who express interest in learning more about a particular service or feature.

This one change boosts conversion rates and generates more qualified leads!

Knowing which campaign generates qualified leads allows you to focus more energy on it. Below is a fantastic illustration of this for a roofing business:

Calls lasting longer than one to two minutes used to be frequently considered a good lead indication. However, basing lead quality just on call length is insufficient. The call content can tell us whether the phone call was from a qualified lead, which is information we need.

In one 6-minute-plus example, we discovered that it was for roofing materials, not the client’s primary business of installing or repairing new roofs.

Due to the recording, we were able to recognize this fact and modify the campaign to stop further pointless calls, therefore saving the customer both time and money!

Removal of Unwanted Call Sources

Identifying the source of garbage leads is the last aspect of call records that we employ for optimization. The main flaw with Google call monitoring was that you couldn’t qualify the leads. But with Callrail, we can pinpoint the exact source of bad leads.

With CallRail, you can disable particular components of your PPC campaign that are generating these unwanted leads, saving your team a lot of time and work. In fact, it has enabled us to improve the campaign at a completely new level.

After hearing phone recordings, some improvements we can make include:

  • Ad copy modifications
  • Changes to the copy on the landing page
  • Offer alterations
  • Process changes for follow-up
  • Additional adjustments to keywords

Simply said, CallRail’s call tracking offers incredible insight into how the campaigns are performing.

In conclusion, call tracking is a smart business decision.

Obtaining as much raw data as possible is crucial when investing in PPC. Because you can optimize your marketing campaigns using this raw data, advanced call tracking is a solution we think all companies ought to use. Call tracking reduces wastage, upholds quality, and keeps leads coming in.

With call monitoring software in place, there is no justifiable reason for campaign reporting to fall short by 40% or more!

Want assistance with your PPC campaigns? Do you have inquiries about call monitoring, enhancing advertising campaigns, or putting CallRail call tracking into practice for your company? If so, visit HOTH PPC right away or get in touch with us, and someone will get back to you right away.

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Call-tracking.org collects and analyzes over 100 call tracking solutions. We investigate almost every possible call tracking solution available on the internet.

We only use objective third-party data to help you determine what you truly require.

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