The Eight Most Crucial Metrics to Monitor for Call Tracking Reporting

Your marketing approach must incorporate call tracking and reporting. Discover the eight most important call tracking metrics.
Only 24% of clients prefer to use a webform to contact a company; instead, 65% prefer to call.
In the current digital era, it is more crucial than ever for digital marketers to combine data for both online web-based conversions and offline call conversions. Businesses must be given a clear image of the effectiveness of their advertisement.

The information you learn via call monitoring, attribution, and reporting includes:

  • which search terms are resulting in calls
  • which online advertising outlets are bringing in money for your company
  • improve ROI by getting a deeper knowledge of your campaign’s performance

You must have a solid understanding of the metrics required to measure and optimize campaign effectiveness in order to use call monitoring and reporting to better your marketing strategy.
Here are the top eight metrics that you need to pay attention to.

The Eight Most Crucial Metrics to Monitor for Call Tracking Reporting

Contact Source

Knowing which campaigns and advertising generate the most calls gives you the information you need to decide where to concentrate your marketing resources.
However, if you have the same phone number given on your website, in publications, on social media, in local directories, in adverts, and on landing pages, how precisely can you find this information?

You should utilize distinct tracking numbers to advertise in various channels if you want to make sure that your Google Adwords call monitoring and reporting plan is successful. Instead of using a static monitoring number for online activity, you should employ dynamic phone numbers.
You may learn which of your advertising channels are bringing in the most calls by looking at the specific statistics for the number that was called.

There are several benefits of choosing Dynamic Number Insertion (DNI) over standard static phone numbers:

  • Each campaign’s performance may be easily tracked with a straightforward setup.
  • Based on their online activity and the ad they clicked to get to your website, users with dynamic phone numbers are automatically given a tracking number.
  • To boost campaign performance and return on investment, link the customer’s online journey to the customer’s offline phone call and integrate this data into Google Analytics or other systems to overlay phone call leads and online leads.

Number of calls

You can acquire attribution data and determine which ads are mostly responsible for phone calls by tracking your call volume. Additionally, it provides you with immediate knowledge for a better comprehension of your ROI.
Reports on call volume provide useful call patterns, which are just as crucial as data on website visits.
Despite the fact that they do not clearly illustrate how much revenue is being made, these still demonstrate whether advertising channels are effective or ineffective!

Call volume is a great metric to use to gauge how well your PPC and SEO campaigns are working.
For instance, you recently updated your Google My Business Listing with some optimization tactics. By completing the company info fields, replying to some reviews, and adding new images for your company, you can finish this listing.
How will you know whether your efforts have been successful?

Pay great attention to the following figures:

  • view searches
  • views of a map
  • calls
  • view photos
  • which search terms were used to find your company
  • users that visit your website

You may view measurements of the growth in the overall percentage increase of inbound calls from your dedicated Google My Business (GMB) tracking number by monitoring your call volumes.
You may now evaluate the impact of these Google My Business optimizations and establish new targets for future development.

Time Spent on Call

Paying strict attention to call duration will distinguish your calls even if they are being answered.
Even if you get 50 calls a day, what happens if the majority of those calls last under a minute?
Your leads and opportunities have a larger probability of becoming customers if you talk to them on the phone for a longer period of time.

After all, if someone wasn’t interested in your goods or services, why would they pick up the phone and call your company?
A customer that has done their research and calls you is the hottest lead you could ask for. They called as a result of the hard work put forth by all of your marketing initiatives (SEO, social, PPC, display advertising, and remarketing). Ensure that you make a positive impression.

You can analyze call duration stats to see how long each call is, which ads are generating the most calls, and how to become more adept at handling the phone.

Lost Calls

What kind of phone manner do you have?
Your PPC campaigns may generate a lot of calls and appear to be working effectively. However, by not returning these calls, your company is potentially losing out on revenue prospects.

Your clients have finished all of their internet research, selected your brand, and are ready to call. They want you to provide them with the same quality of service you would provide through an online channel, or at the very least, to return their call.
You could look at your average cost per sale, for instance, if your company was a local plumber and you wanted to see how much money you might be losing out on.

Every call you don’t take into your business could be worth an extra $200 if you knew your average cost per transaction was $800 and that one out of every four calls resulted in a sale.
A weekly average of 20 phone calls missed might cost your company $4,000 in lost revenue.
To ensure that you are reaching these prospects back and preserving these possibilities, make sure you have guidelines and follow-up procedures with missed call email alerts and SMS notifications.

Phone Call Timing

Understanding the time and day of your calls and which is generating the highest proportion of conversions is one of the most useful call tracking metrics.

Regardless of the services or goods you are giving, any advertising campaigns should make use of this data. especially if you use PPC companies to track your incoming calls.
The relationship between call frequency and time of day is obvious. By utilizing these data, you may better understand your PPC advertisements and increase your bid volume when you know that your audience is prepared to interact with your brand.

Consider the case when your client is a nearby auto repair shop.
You are likely to see an increase in call spikes early on Monday mornings when individuals are trying to book their automobile for a servicing when you are keeping an eye on the key call tracking metrics during the beginning of your campaigns.

The best choices would be to boost your advertising budget and spend more actively in the early hours of the day, when your clients are attempting to schedule a service before leaving for work or getting ready for the day. The funding for afternoons and the middle of the week would then be reduced.

On days with less traffic, you might think about adding some special deals or adjusting the language in your ads to draw in a different demographic.

New Callers

Someone who calls your company for the first time is considered a new caller. Given that it represents prospective new clients, this group of people is a crucial component of your company’s target audience.
Think about isolating caller data from caller history. You can isolate and feed only fresh caller details into Google Analytics using smart tags, which will enable you to perform better analysis.

You can analyze the online path new callers followed on your website by isolating them, and you can learn specific behaviors like which sites they visited prior to phoning you.

This provides you with valuable information about which pages on your website are converting effectively and which ones could use modification or perhaps benefit from better call to actions to increase phone conversion. You may go back and improve these pages’ content and SEO, which will also benefit your marketing approach.

To give new callers the best experience and ensure that they reach the right person right away, you may even start employing smart routing technologies to direct them to particular agents or departments within your company.

Landing Page Effectiveness

Customers often have two ways to contact your company when they click on an advertisement and land on your PPC landing page:

  • completing a contact form
  • launching a live chat with your chatbot or live chat representative
  • call by picking up the phone

Your PPC conversion rate will appear considerably lower than it actually is if you don’t report for Google Ads.
You are leaving out a ton of information that will improve your marketing approach if you are only tracking statistics regarding the quantity of your web leads. The removal of cash from keywords or campaigns that aren’t generating online leads but are instead generating high-converting phone calls will also have an influence on campaign optimization.

Customer Experience

Businesses are putting more money on their sales funnels and cycles. They are aware that a customer’s quest for the brand involves a far longer trip than merely making a phone call.
Before selecting to speak with sales, prospects will conduct all of their research online, visiting your website, social media pages, and reviews from numerous websites.

It’s critical for marketers to monitor and comprehend each touch point that occurred before to the incoming call:

  • entered into search engines as keywords
  • which advertising media and source led to the click
  • before placing a call, the consumer browsed various website pages

The internet experience the customer had before calling. Specifically, did they visit your website by putting in the URL directly after clicking on a Facebook ad, returning via a Google ad, and then making a call after visiting? You will be missing out on this crucial information if your Google Adwords campaign does not include call monitoring and reporting.
With the use of this cutting-edge technology, you can determine which marketing strategies are most successful at moving potential customers farther down the sales funnel.

The Eight Most Crucial Metrics to Monitor for Call Tracking Reporting

Your Tracking Metrics of Choice

Consider your marketing objectives as well as the size of your company when choosing the metrics that are most important to track.

To measure their social networks, Google Ads, organic traffic, and direct visitors, small firms typically create 5 dynamic phone numbers. A piece of javascript that is fired within Google TagManager or directly on the website is used to dynamically insert the numbers into the website.

The visitor will see the same phone number each time they contact your company online thanks to cookies in the user’s browser, which improve call attribution and call modeling.

Small firms use Google My Business as well, and they add a static phone number to track call volumes and results from this source.

If a larger company is using more intricate marketing funnels, more numbers are typically needed. The best understanding of call tracking will be provided by connecting this data to their CRMs and reporting tools, allowing them to more precisely calculate their ROI.

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