Which is Better : Text Message Marketing or Email Marketing?

According to Pew Research data, 81% of Americans and 96% of Americans respectively own cellphones and smartphones. The average open rate for emails across all US industries is 18%, and the average click-through rate for customers who get these emails is 14.10%, according to research by Small Biz Trends.

The first email was sent in 1971, and the first bulk email was distributed to 400 recipients over Arpanet in 1978 to promote DEC machines. Even though email marketing has evolved considerably over the past 40 years, it can still be a powerful marketing tool for your company today.

But you might want to think about using text messaging to advertise your goods or services if you haven’t previously. The content that follows compares and contrasts text message and email marketing, examining which strategy could work best for your company.

ext Message Marketing or Email Marketing

Utilizing Email Marketing Techniques

Spending time sending marketing materials to erroneous email addresses is the last thing you want to do. Using an Email Checker, a free internet application that lets you determine whether or not an email address is accurate, you can prevent that from happening.

Necessary elements

You should use the following four elements into your email marketing campaigns:

  • Add a sign-up option to your email subscriber list.
  • Make sure subscribers receive email confirmations
  • periodically check email addresses for up-to-date information
  • Implement user-friendly, streamlined unsubscribe options.

Follow these guidelines to make your email content mobile-friendly:

  • Streamlined Content: For greater mobile engagement, use single-column designs and a subject line that is no longer than 40 characters.
  • Keep the email’s width under 600 pixels, use font sizes between 13 and 14, and use smaller graphics to speed up loading.
  • A concise call-to-action (CTA), no attachments, few links, and no menus to select from will increase conversion rates.

Both positive and negative aspects

According to a recent HubSpot Marketing Data Sheet, email is one of the most efficient solutions because it “generates $38 for every $1 spent, an astonishing 3,800% ROI.” In addition, mobile devices account for 46% of email opens.

If you develop simplified, mobile-compatible content, implementing an email campaign can be a successful approach to share promotional content for your products and sales with customers and leads.

Campaigns for email marketing are typically affordable. However, given how many emails your clients and leads receive every day, it could be challenging to grab their attention and persuade them to open the email.

Another benefit is the ability to send tailored emails utilizing recipients’ identities and relevant items and services based on their past purchases. Additionally, clients with Gmail accounts might see highly targeted ads if you’ve set up AdWords campaigns. Although not every email you send will reach the recipient’s primary inbox because some of them can get marked as spam.


When you need to communicate with clients and leads using a lengthier, more complex message, email marketing campaigns are preferable to text messaging. Less than three emails sent per month is ideal, so strike a balance with their length.

Utilizing Text Messaging

Utilizing Text Messaging Techniques

The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), which stipulates that customers must freely opt-in to receive SMS messages from businesses, must be complied with by your text messaging plan. Consumer consent can be obtained by asking them to fill out consent forms in written material, by email, or by opting in on your website.

Both email and text message content must meet the same standards for usability. For higher conversion rates, simplicity is essential and always increases recipient engagement.

Both positive and negative aspects

75% of customers are okay with receiving SMS communications from marketers after opting in, and SMS texts had a whooping 98% open rate, according to Tech Jury.

Before, only close friends and relatives could converse via text message. However, customers are increasingly using SMS messaging to get in touch with their favorite companies and brands.

Customers can, for instance, notice a power outage on an energy company’s website and receive updates by SMS. Auto shops and doctor’s offices can text appointment reminders to patients.

Text messaging can be efficient, but depending on the amount of texts sent, the length of the content, and other factors like location, it may be more expensive than email marketing.

Instead of sending an email, text messaging will probably be more effective in getting the recipient’s attention right away. Due to the fact that text messages are typically read more frequently than emails, consumers still associate SMS texting with an increased sense of immediacy.


Short, direct marketing messages work best when sent by text message. SMS texting is the recommended form of delivery if you need to reach clients and leads immediately and have a highly targeted message that is urgent or contains limited-time offers. Longer communications, however, should be sent by email, where you may make the most of more captivating layouts.

Change Your Marketing Plan Right Now

Start your company’s digital marketing plan off right by analyzing the advantages and disadvantages and figuring out how to include text message and email content in your advertising campaigns to boost conversion rates and boost revenue.

It’s crucial to do A/B testing with both email and text templates and to check statistics to determine open rates and click-through rates for links regardless of the strategy you decide to use (or a combined approach). Always be prepared to review your current plan of action and make adjustments as needed.

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