Debunking 4 Call Tracking Myths

You may have heard a variety of thoughts regarding call monitoring that aren’t totally accurate if you’ve heard of it or use it yourself. This is the reason we wrote this article: to inform you of the misconceptions about call tracking that are out there and to provide you with information based only on the truth.

First of all, even though call tracking isn’t a particularly novel technique, it has received a lot of attention lately. For marketing firms and companies who want to manage offline and online attribution, purchasing call tracking software has become a necessity.

With a few minor exceptions, all call tracking technologies provide a comparable functionality and capabilities. You must include unique call tracking numbers on all of your marketing sources in order to track, record, and receive additional call tracking metrics to aid in making data-driven marketing decisions.

Call Tracking Myths


Call tracking is a technique that enables you to monitor marketing initiatives that result in calls to your company. This is accomplished by associating a tracking number for phones with the source you want to monitor, such as Facebook advertisements, Google ads, newsletters, offline ads, etc. With minimal modification to the call-forwarding procedure, these numbers route calls to your company, enabling you to record calls or play whispers to operators before they answer the phone.

Simply said, call tracking is a tool that you may use as part of your digital marketing plan and a local marketing best practice. Although it is easy to use, there are a lot of myths about it that need to be dispelled.

NAP stands for Name, Address, and Phone, which we will discuss further.

Let’s now discuss myths

Myth 1: Number swapping could perplex website visitors

This myth doesn’t make sense. When using call monitoring, you may have noticed that a website’s phone number changes immediately after the page loads. This might seem suspicious to inexperienced visitors. Even yet, just like with an offline marketing medium, if a potential customer is sufficiently interested in the goods or services you provide, they will call the number displayed in front of them.

Even better, you should be able to use a specific set of local or toll-free numbers for marketing purposes with your call tracking service. Customers won’t have any trouble answering the phone because they’ll be able to know the number. Including toll-free numbers in some of their marketing materials may even benefit small enterprises. Your call rates will increase if you start utilizing a toll-free vanity number rather than another local number because it’s far simpler to recall than a random series of digits.

You may determine how many of these calls are from brand-new clients who have visited your website by using call tracking. When you use it, you will receive a specific number for call monitoring, but this does not require you to change the phone number for your company. The ability to track which advertising efforts are generating calls comes from having many numbers. Additionally, you won’t need to purchase sophisticated hardware or a new phone number.

There are a number of quick tricks you can do to significantly increase your conversion rates and enquiries if your website isn’t generating calls from the visitors it receives. The best way to determine how much traffic converts to calls and, consequently, money and sales, is to integrate your call tracking software with Google Analytics. Make sure you’ve finished the entire sales cycle as a consequence.

Myth 2: Tracking calls is difficult

When it comes to the basic or primary level of call monitoring without any other metrics, it doesn’t get any simpler or more reliable than this. Your call tracking data will disclose the customer’s calling number and the related ad source when they dial your phone number after seeing it in an advertisement.

Using call tracking instead of call handlers is much more efficient. Never forget to always ask callers how they learned about your business or product. Expecting callers to remember and precisely describe how they learned about you is neither feasible nor dependable. This necessitates the use of call tracking software.

Speech analytics is useful for a variety of jobs, but it is woefully insufficient for assessing a worker’s telephone skills.

Thanks to advances in machine learning, speech analytics may one day overcome background noise and mobile phone audio issues and comprehend the complexity of human interactions, including homonyms, accents, and idiomatic expressions.

Myth 3: Local SEO and call tracking don’t go together

Many local marketers are concerned that call tracking may negatively impact their local SEO results.

How did this legend start? Well, most likely due to NAP (Name, Address, and Phone number).

Yes, NAP and consistency are crucial for the success of your firm.

Just to be clear: Call Tracking has no impact on your local SEO. Allow me to elaborate.

NAP Consistency: What Is It?

Harmony is the key to NAP consistency. Digital channels that feature your NAP should not only utilize the same data but also adhere to the same spelling conventions and formatting. Many business owners expect that search engines will handle the burden and figure it out on their own, therefore they don’t think that NAP consistency is necessary. Google’s actual position on local SEO, however, is very different. Your company becomes more respectable and performs better in local organic search results if your NAP is consistent and current.

Remember that your present clientele may not be as familiar with your information as you might believe. They frequently rely on Google search results, which is made even more useful by Google Assistant. After hearing your calls, you’ll be astonished by how many of your “regular” clients don’t have your company’s phone number saved.

Why does Call Tracking not change your NAP?

DNI is the answer to this inquiry (Dynamic Number Insertion).

When you use dynamic call monitoring, visitors to your website—not bots or crawlers—will be the only ones whose phone numbers are dynamically replaced with tracking numbers. The phone number will appear the same to visitors continuously.

As a result, your NAP stays the same and your SEO is unaffected.

Remember that Call Tracking’s charm lies in the fact that it takes place invisibly.

Therefore, it is difficult to harm your SEO when done properly.


Myth 4: Phone calls are no longer necessary because of emails, forms, and chatbots

Even if emails and chatbots have become increasingly popular, phone calls are still crucial for organizations!
In fact, 62% of customers prefer to handle a problem by phone call, and 60% of customers who find a business online prefer to contact them over the phone!
When the focus is on the consumer experience in the digital world of today, you can’t take chances.

Would you rather speak with a robot than a human?

Without a doubt, chatbots are popular right now. They are actually getting more advanced every day thanks to AI. However, a chat conversation that started with a complex topic usually ends with a phone call.

You have the full image

Calls produce a lot of value and new, unexplored insights. Having a comprehensive view entails:

• Quicker trend, opportunity, and weakness identification to help you better plan your subsequent activities and objectives.

• Improved comprehension of the customer journey.

• Looking more closely at customer demands.

• Combining information from several sources to determine what is most effective for you.

• Budgeting more wisely.

Everything hinges on conversion

Callers are considerably more inclined to make purchases from and conduct business with your company. That’s because a customer who calls you is prepared to make a purchase! Now it’s up to you to carry out this process.

Who doesn’t have a phone in 2023?

Finding a contact on your phone typically involves more steps than simply searching for it on Google.

Here are some intriguing statistics to think about:

  • 91% of adults can easily access their smartphones (source: Forbes).
  • 2.5 hours a day are spent online surfing (data from Statista).
  • 48 percent of local smartphone searches result in a call. Search Engine Journal as a source.
  • For 54 percent of consumers, the ability to call the company while making a purchase is crucial (source: Google).
  • If they couldn’t find a phone number on a search result, 47% of users stated they would visit a rival website (source: cxl).
  • On a mobile device, 88% of consumer local business searches result in a call or visit within 24 hours. (Refer to Nectafy).

Regardless of whether someone knows you or not, you must recognize and comprehend how everyone finds you. Every time someone needs your services, there are numerous ways for them to get in touch with you. As a result, pay attention to maintaining track of this.


It’s true that there are a number of call tracking myths and fallacies. Some of them are frequently discussed in discussion. But it’s important to know why they exist, what they’re based on, and where they came from. Most crucial, have the ability to tell myths from facts. The easiest way to accomplish it is to get in touch with your service provider and clear up any confusion. Finally, we can say that it is without a doubt an essential tool for your business.

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